Atmosfear video board game - 30th Anniversary edition

Created by The Gatekeeper

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You Maggots have engaged in some fine expatiation - keep it up!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Dec 02, 2021 at 04:52:55 AM

You have 11 days left. I repeat, 11 days left.

AND... Your Deluxe Game just got a whole lot better: you made it to the second stretch goal. That's some nice rack work.
In the Deluxe Edition you now get the bonus of not only my deluxe card sets, but also six very special playing pieces representing each of those worm-ridden piles of rotting flesh, aka the Harbingers.

That's more bang for your pledged bucks.
Think you can make it to the next stretch?
Jump back on that rack, my devoted Maggots, and keep stretching!
Crank Maggots, crank!

Your Worst Nightmare
The Gatekeeper

about 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 10:19:24 PM

So… look at you… who'd have thought? We actually reached the first stretch goal.

Perhaps you're not as stupid as you all seem. Still ugly though…

You deserve to sit back and relax – for a minute – with my bespoke cocktail, the AtmosFEARtini, made with terror-infused gin.

It feels good to stretch, doesn't it, Little Ones?

So keep at it. I've even studied some yoga to give you inspiration.

There's the Downward Facing Werewolf, for example.

Or Trick-or-Treat-asana, Deadly Cobra pose, and (my favourite) Rackasana, a more traditional stretch using my rack.

Don't stop until I tell you, Maggots, or you might end up in Corpse pose.

A gift for my Chosen Ones 🗝
about 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 01:27:20 PM

Greetings Maggots!

You're doing very well. You have pleased me. I've been kicking back with an extra bloody, Bloody Mary and it's put me in a generous mood. Not that you deserve my generosity. So savour it while it lasts.

For all you slow old maggots, limping along pathetically behind the young fast ones, you who missed out on a free Golden Skeleton Key…. 

You can now buy one.

Will it be the key to your success?  Even with this advantage, hopefully you will all fail miserably at my game and I will still win.

Because I am THE GATEKEEPER – and this is my game and your nightmare!

about 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 11:06:25 PM

Happy Friday, Maggots, Backers (aka my Chosen Ones), Fans, and grovelling toadies
about 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 10:15:37 PM

We're past 60%!!

And I've been listening to your opinions.

I want to make things easy for you. (Just this once - I can be good and kind…. very occasionally).

Some of you aren't comfortable adding to your pledge amount to get multiple games.

I'm not familiar with "uncomfortable". My emotions are pleasure and rage. Simple. Easy.

But let's cut to the chase.

You can now pledge for two or more games using Add-ons, or by pledging to the game combo tiers. 

Or a combination of both.

Don't let the many options melt your tiny maggotty brains. I like you to still have a few brains cells left when I meet you on The Other Side, so you can offer me at lest some sort of challenge in my game.